From ₦ 210,000.00 to ₦ 280,000.00
Tickets ×
Live-Online Training:
₦ 210,000.00 210000.0 NGN
Classroom Training:
₦ 280,000.00 280000.0 NGN

Live-Online Training: N 210,000
Classroom Training: N 280,000
3 - 4 participants: 5% discount
5 or more participants: 10% discount

(Available also for Customised Training by Duration, Venue & Fee)  

Programme Description

In this Leadership with Emotional Intelligence training, managers participating in it will gain a better understanding of self-management and self-awareness for leadership acumen. This in turn will give them better insight and control over their actions, emotions, and, consequently, their performance. The course will lead them to experience a positive insight into their leadership and supervisory competencies, particularly in five distinctive ways:

1. How they set direction and objectives for themselves and their subordinates at work 

2. How they translate the directions and objectives into actions

3. How they make appropriate decisions based on rational and logical judgment

4. How much relevant business and market knowledge do they have in order to support the senior management with solutions for the company, their departments, and units to improve performance

5. How much of capability do they have to develop and lead a team in performance?  

Course Contents


Emotional Intelligence

  • Leadership Emotions to Manage People Effectively
    • Self-management- Self-awareness- Self-regulation
    • Self-motivation
    • Focused listening
    • Communicate with authenticity 

Leadership Qualities: Inspire Followership

  • Five Major Characteristics of Effective Leadership
    • Understand the principles of influence
    • Be a source of inspiration
    • Attitude
    • Honesty
    • Have a commercial mindset. 


Achieve Results through People

  • The Personality for Motivation
    • Identify your personality type and motivating factors
    • Identify others' personality types and motivating factors
    • Motivate self for workplace engagement
    • Promote subordinates' motivation and engagement
  • Manage Priorities
    1. Understand roles and relevant competencies
    2. Emulate effective superiors
    3. Pursue best practices
    4. Provide clear and timely feedback
  • Taking Responsibility
    • Send out the right Signals to subordinates and to superiors
    • Achieving cohesiveness and team morale 
    • Resolve conflicts
    • Remove barriers to effective team performance 
    • Promote personal learning in subordinates 
    • Give detailed instructions for subordinates to handle tasks 
    • Lead from the front in situations of complexity or uncertainty
    • Tenacity - Not giving up easily. 


Effective Communication and Ability to Handle Difficult Conversations 

  • Communicating Effectively
    • Characteristics of open and honest communications
    • Master verbal communications- Master non-verbal communications
    • Effective listening skills 
    • Communicate with power
    • Create powerful impressions. 

Effective Delegation, Coordination & Control

  • Lead Subordinates in Changing Circumstances
    • Telling style
    • Selling style
    • Participating style
    • Delegating style.

Performance Management and Feedback 

  • Achieve Team Effectiveness 
    • Keep the team on track 
    • Hold members accountable 
    • Provide constructive feedback 
    • Manage difficult employees. 

Decision-making Skills 

    • Solving Problems
    • Identify tasks
    • Team work– six thinking hats
    • Identify resources. 

Date & Time
November 24, 2025
Start - 8:30 AM
November 26, 2025
End - 3:00 PM Africa/Lagos

Tom Associates Training

5/7, Alade Lawal Street, Opposite Anthony Police Station, Off Ikorodu Road, Anthony Village,
+234 817 859 1654
+234 809 276 3968 | +234 810 365 2225
tomassociatestraining@yahoo.com | info@tomassociatesng.com
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Tom Associates Training

+234 817 859 1654
+234 809 276 3968 | +234 810 365 2225
tomassociatestraining@yahoo.com | info@tomassociatesng.com