Live-Online Training: N 195,000.00
Classroom Training: N 220,000.00
3 - 4 participants: 5% discount
5 or more participants: 10% discount
(Available also for Customized Training by Duration, Venue & Fee)
Objectives of the Course
The purpose of this incident and hazard reporting course is to practice the process of ascertaining root causes of the risk occurrences and hazards. The course will deliver five significant values:
- Provide guidance for the identification of incidents and hazards at the workplace in ways that prevent injuries
- Expose participants to procedures for investigating incidents and hazards when they are experienced
- Encourage early reporting and corrective action
- Teach how to obtain data for measuring trends and designing desired programs to implement so as to prevent the recurrence
5. Outline the statutory requirements for the mandatory reporting of noticeable work-related injuries and dangerous occurrences.
Course Contents
- An overview of Occupational Health and Safety Processes
- Statutory Provisions and Guidelines
- Organization Policy and Procedures
- Definitions
- Hazard
- Incident
- Injury
- Near miss
- Risk Control
- Responsibilities for Investigation and Reporting
- HSE manager
- OHS officer or committee
- Employees
- Contractors
- Risk Assessment
- Hazard Control
- Site Preservation.
- Investigation Process
- Injuries to Employees, Contractors/Suppliers, Visitors
- Incident Investigation Forms and Template
- Facts collection and evaluation
- Root cause identification
- Corrective action
- Gaps identification and improvement plans
- Trends tracking
- Incident Investigation Team
- Investigators' Behavior and Attitude
- Report Writing Skills and Style
- Compensation Claims
- Review of Controls
- Record Keeping.