Live-Online Training: N220,000.00
Classroom Training: N 300,000.00
3 - 4 participants: 5% discount
5 or more participants: 10% discount
(Available also for Customised Training by Duration, Venue & Fee)
What the Course Teaches
The participants will be equipped with knowledge and skills in the following areas:
- Government policies on funding, monetary and fiscal policies
- Deposits mobilization techniques.
- Managing internal and external liquidity risks
- Knowledge of Rates Survey Process
- Skills in Rates Risks Management
- Understanding of Assets and Liabilities Management (ALM)
- Managing Treasury and Money Market Risks
- Cost of Funds computation and Management
- Treasury Products: Development and Pricing
- Basic Foreign Exchange Management
Course Contents
Financial Environment
- Financial Environment in Nigeria
- Structure of the financial system
- Functions of the financial system
- Financial Participants
- Regulatory Environment
- Legal Environment
- Functions of the Main Regulators (CBN/NDIC)
- Financial Instruments
- Financial Markets
- Risks Environment
- Monetary and Fiscal Policies
- Interest Rate Economics
- Role of Treasury Operations.
Treasury Functions
- Government Policies
- CBN’s Monetary Policies
- Structure of Treasury Department
- Formulating Treasury Policies
- Critical Issues in Treasury Manual
- Funding Issues in a Bank.
Liquidity Management
- Components of Liquidity
- Measures of Liquidity
- Basic Liquidity Strategies
- Cash and Liquidity Requirements
- Impact of Liquidity on Profitability
- Maturity Ladder Matrix
- Planning a Bank’s Liquidity
- Liquidity Risks.
Risks Identification and Management
- Treasury Risks Identification
- Environmental Risks
- Business Risks
- Documentation Risks
- Capitalization Risks
- Personnel Risks
- Character Risks
- Raw Material Risks
- Pricing Risks
- Processing Risks
- External Risks
- Managing the Risks.
Assets & Liabilities Management
- ALM Functions and Objectives
- ALM Techniques and Strategies
- Implementation of ALM Policies
- Requirement for Effective ALM
- Return on Equity (ROE) as a measure of effectiveness
- Regulatory Issues (Capital Adequacy)
- Loan and Deposits Pricing
- Transfer Pricing.
Deposit Mobilization Strategies
- Customers Profiles
- Competition Analysis
- Winning Strategies
- Focused Strategy
- Total Customer Service (TCS)
- Total Quality Management (TQM)
- Information Technology (IT)
Marketing of Financial Products
- Selling Pressure Points
- Winning Elements / Strategies
- Find a Need
- Consumer Needs and Competition
- Pricing, Quality and Promotion
- Products and Packaging
- Segmentation
- System
- People
- Dare to Win
- Closing Quiz
Deposits Products
- Savings
- Current
- Call
- Term
Money Market Products
- Treasury Bills / Certificates
- Bankers Acceptances
- Commercial Papers
- Bonds
Other Financial Products
- Capital Market
- Foreign Exchange
- Credit
- Electronic
- Transaction Risks
Development of New Financial Products
- Identification of competitive areas
- Market Research
- Products Development Team
- Costing and Pricing
- Launching
- Post Development Review
The Balance Sheet Analysis
- Structure, Complexity and Analysis
- Off Balance Sheet Activities
- Impact of CBN Circular on Bas and CPs
- Asset Securitization
- Non-Interest Bearing Assets
Determination of the Cost of Funds
- Evaluating the Cost of Funds
- Marginal Cost Concept
- Marginal Cost in Transfer Pricing
- Controlling The Balance Sheet Costs
Domestic Operations
- Broad functions of operations
- The Back office and Front Office Concept
- Challenges of Domops and Trops
- Resources and Deliverables
Treasury Operations (TROPS)
- Functional analysis
- Local Deals – placement and takings
- NIBSS / RTGS Transactions
- CBN Transfers
- Open Buy Back (OBB) transactions
- Other Large Settlement.
Foreign Exchange Management
- Government’s Foreign Trade & Exchange Policy
- Current Foreign Exchange Policies introduced by CBN
- FX Settlements
- Visible and Invisible Transactions
- Spot, Forward, Future, Swap and Option Contracts
- Interest Rate Futures
- Hedging Process
- Domiciliary, Nostro and Vostro Accounts.